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Java is one of the most powerful and popular languages in the industry. Its multitude of open-source libraries and prevalence in web and app development make it a must learn for aspiring coders. Students will learn the basics of the Java programming language. They will learn the foundations of programming like variables and loops, and they’ll design simple fun games along the way!
Python is one of the currently most popular languages in the world. It is very easy to learn and very powerful, used in machine learning, data science, web development, and more. Students will learn the fundamentals of the Python language, including loops, variables, and objects.
C++ is the most popular programming language for competitive programming and USACO. Students will learn the foundations of programming like variables and loops, and they’ll be able to apply their knowledge to USACO bronze level problems.
Students will learn the necessary algorithms to excel at the silver level, such as binary search, graph algorithms, and prefix sums, and they’ll learn how and when to apply them to problems.